Monday, April 23, 2012

Obesity creates unhealthy Conditions in the uterus

Main category: pregnancy and obstetrics
Also included in: Obesity / weight loss / Fitness
Article Date: April 15, 2012 - 0: 00 PDT

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A new study from the University of Illinois contains a warning for obese women planning a pregnancy. Even if they eat healthy, pregnant, their babies will develop in an unhealthy environment which places infants at risk of health problems future.

"We can see fat sequestered in the placentas of mothers and obese when it must go to the baby to support its growth." The area of supply of nutrients in the placenta of a mother obese is half that of a normal-weight mothers, even when both eat the same healthy diet, said Yuan Xiang Pan, a u of I Professor of nutrition.

Pan criticises what he calls environmental obesogenic of the mother, which includes an increase in triglycerides, levels high hormone leptin and high amounts of non-esterified acid fatty (NEFAs) circulating in the body of the mother obese pregnant women. Nonesterified fatty acid and triglyceride levels are nearly two times higher among obese mothers, even when they consume a healthy diet during pregnancy, he said.

"My advice is, losing weight well before you become pregnant," said Pan.

In the study, the researcher compared the placentas of obese rats fed a healthy diet during pregnancy with the placentas resistant to obesity in rats the same diet.

"Although obese women did not gain much weight on healthy eating, the obesogenic environment remained, and it affects regulation of transport of the nutrients in the placenta," he said.

As a result, obese mothers gave birth to babies who were up to 17% smaller that they should have. The consequences for infants may be continuous, making them more vulnerable to the disease, he noted.

Pan, epigenetics, was able to demonstrate for the first time that the DKK1 gene regulates aspects of the lipid metabolism in the placenta by WNT signaling.

"Understand this process should help us identify biomarkers that would allow a potential to say yes mother doctor, you have lost weight, chemical conditions that were created by your excess weight disappeared, and this is a good time for you to become pregnant," said.

BIOMARKERS could also be useful in testing of new babies. If doctors can see the pre-pregnancy and pregnancy of the mother plans were insufficient, there may be ways to offset this poor prenatal environment, he said.

"The point that I would like to go to women of childbearing age is that they must pay attention to their weight well before becoming pregnant if they want to have a healthy baby." Obesity creates unhealthy conditions in the body of the mother who take the time to correct. "A healthy mother will give birth to a baby that is more resistant to disease," he said.

Article adapted by Medical News Today news release original. Click on "References" tab over the source.
Visit our pregnancy / obstetrics section for the latest news on this subject. The study was published in the issue of March 2012, of the biology of Reproduction. Rita Strakovsky u of I Division of Nutritional Sciences is a co-author.
University of the Illinois College of agricultural, consumer and Environmental Sciences please use one of the following formats to quote this article in your essay, paper or report:


University of Illinois College of Agriculture, Co. "Obesity creates unhealthy Conditions in the uterus." Medical news today. MediLexicon, intl., 15 April 2012. Web.
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