Monday, April 23, 2012

Indian mothers to the Canada more likely to have male offspring

Editor's choice
Main category: pregnancy and obstetrics
Also included in: sexual health / STD
Article Date: 16 April 2012-14: 00 PDT

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According to a new study in CMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Journal), who were born in India, but now live in the Canada, mothers are much more likely to give birth to boys as their second or third births than in women.

Dr. Joel Ray of St. Michael hospital and University of Toronto, pointed out:

"Our results raise questions about why there more stillborn male than female stillbirths among couples Indians who had two previous babies or more."

In a report of male: female study, researchers at the Hospital St. Michael and the University of Toronto examined 766 688 births unique in Ontario between 2002 and 2007. Births were classified by country or by region of birth, revealing that 486 599 babies born of Canadian mothers, 58 505 to the mothers European, 31 978 for Indian and 23 mothers 818 mothers Chinese, while 18 971 babies born to mothers from the rest of Southeast Asia, and 18 018 Pakistani mothers and 3 663 Korean mother.

Investigators have also considered the country of birth fathers and calculated the ratio of men: women of live births by country or by region and on previous shipments how the mother had already, i.e. 0, 1, 2, 3 or more.

The results showed that the ratio of men: women for most of the women was 1.05 and remained unchanged, regardless of the number of previous births, for Indian women and South Korea with previous children, the likelihood of giving birth to a male child was significantly higher and even higher than that of women Indian-born with more than one previous child.

According to previous research in India and a study on the Census of the Canada for Asian immigrants of South and Southeast Asia, a higher ratio of male bosses: female to have more children, in particular, if the previous children were girls.

The authors conclude:

"If the difference in sex ratio was the result of prenatal selection sex should be determined by the direct study of the practices of selected sex pre-implantation and termination of pregnancy among individuals of different regions of the world." In addition, an analysis of the length of residence in the Canada, access to fertility care, family income and parental preferences would be useful to describe the factors that influence the selection prenatal sex. »

The study was limited in terms of only y included unique birth, with no consideration for any selection of sex in multiple pregnancies, fertility treatment. Researchers also have not determine the sex of siblings more of the same mother.

Written by Petra rates
Author: Medical news today
Must not be reproduced without permission of Medical News Today

Visit our pregnancy / obstetrics section for the latest news on this subject. "Sex ratios between Canadian birth infants of mothers originating from different countries.
Joel g. Ray, David a. Henry and Marcelo l. Urquia
Canadian Medical Association Journal, April 2012, doi: 10.1503/cmaj.120165 please use one of the following formats to quote this article in your essay, paper or report:


Petra Rattue. "The Indian mothers to the Canada more likely to have male offspring." Medical news today. MediLexicon, intl., 16 April 2012. Web.
April 22, 2012. APA

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"The Indian mothers to the Canada more likely to have a male offspring.

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